
  1. Hey Dancin' fool... your photography is amazing. Please tell me you take a gazillion bad shots for every excellent one you post?!?!?!?

    I did your suggestion of a trawl of random blogs... I stumbled across " L'aubergine Joyuese" - should win a prize for the name alone!!!!

    BTW What's your favourite colour?

    Oh heck - answer the whole SP10 questionnaire, and it will make gifts for you very exciting....

  2. Hello! I confess I have many bad shots, and thank you for the lovely compliment. I visited several lovely places today and the sun shined. It was very spring like.

    Glad you did some blog exploring, I did too again earlier but just came across the hot babes one and the one with the bad jokes; they seem to appear a lot! I have to visit L'aubergine Joyuese!

    Will complete SP10 and forward post haste. xx


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