
Following on from my last post regarding the books that Stephenie Meyer has written about Vampires, the first of which was a Christmas gift to me this year, I have discovered that there are three more!

I devoured the first book finding myself almost obsessed with the hero of the story and while on holiday last week managed to procure the remaining three! I had thought it was a trilogy however found the third, in hardback, hiding in a stack of books yet to be displayed, and hastily made my way to the till with it!

I have now read the first three, Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse, the last of which I finished at 12.45am this morning. It had one of those last thirds that grips you all the way and had to be finished before I gave in to sleep.

The fourth and final book, Breaking Dawn, is sitting beside my bed waiting for me. I am holding off a little. I have read through them so quickly I am not in a hurry now for it to be over.

I am not going to review them here as I do not want to give too much away. I am no book reviewer and know I would say too much! But...if your interest is piqued then I highly recommend them. They have been a gripping but easy escape and I am ever grateful to my sister, and nephew, for their thoughtful gift that has provided me with a series of books I will always remember.


  1. I will show these to Jane.... I'm sure she would like to get her teeth into these... :O)

  2. Reading is such a great pastime. You can escape any situation in a book. Even nicer if you escape your situation and enter the authors.
    I love books like this.
    Glad you are having pleasure.

  3. Anonymous12:51 am


    Asked the indian if he had any words of wisdom for you.
    he said " Certain things catch your eye,
    But pursue only those
    that capture your heart''

    Good holiday?


  4. Hey Tom! Well I have completed the lot now, I did think of calling the post Ravenous! I hope Jane finds she has a similar appetite! :0)

    Hey Bowledover! I miss the people in the book...well people isn't quite the right word in this case! Macs Niece is borrowing them but if you would like a read after please say.

    Hey T-Bone, fine words of wisdom, really fine! Excellent holiday, will tell all when we speak/ email next.


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