Pick a Side

For some time now I have been trying to get the whole Lancaster vs York thing straight in my mind with regard to The War of the Roses. As most of the magnates involved are descended from Edward III (all credit to Phillipa of Hainault!) it is a family affair but I feel as though I want to choose sides.

I just want to know who was right and who was wrong!

Up until this point I have felt distinctly Lancastrian however through my recent readings I have discovered that while more knowledge makes some things clearer, it can also make things more complicated.

I now understand the family tree for this period, and if I squint and really concentrate I can see it in my mind and follow the blood lines through. But both sides have done some really bad things, and not always for good reasons. Both sides have killed a King and it seems that almost everyone has plotted to kill one, except one poor soul who has been executed for plotting to kill one despite being innocent.

It seems I am going to have to be my own judge on this one and that's not easy. I know we all make judgements all the time; right and wrong is defined by our laws, customs and up bringing. And don't get me wrong, I can pass judgement as good as the next man but I am finding myself at odds with this one.

I think I am going to reserve final judgement until I have completed the saga, which is probably going to be about 3 history books from now, and may then require further reading and revisiting previously read texts!


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