I have noticed that my blog site has been more photo than poem of late, infact it's been a bit more arboricultural, and my original intent was to display poems. I have lots of ideas but am having a respite from creating verse so; I am going to refer once again to Mr. John Denver. There is a song of his whose lyrics have been on repeat in my head for a number of days, so I am going to share them.

Today, while the blossom still clings to the vine
Ill taste your strawberries, Ill drink your sweet wine
A million tomorrows shall all pass away
Ere I forget all the joy that is mine, Today


  1. I feel I have to confess this detail as a condition of the post. I have changed the John Denver lyric from the one I found quoted on the net.

    Original Posting:

    Today while the blossoms still cling to the vine

    My Amendment:

    Today while the blossom still clings to the vine

    It was deliberate for anyone who reads it and things I got in wrong


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