I thought of so many things to blog about last week but didn't manage to get to the PC. I tend to write many mental posts but few make it to the blog however I really want to record this event as it was a lovely thing to happen and kept me smiling through what was otherwise a naff day at work! A couple of weeks back while returning to the truck after my lunchtime walk I saw a chap sitting in the car park in his car. As I walked past with the pups he opened his car door and dropped an empty sweet bag and some wrappers out. I went over to the truck and secured the dogs and then walked back over to him. He was just reversing at this time to leave and I picked the wrapper up, turned towards him and mouthed 'Did you want this?'. (I can be a little cheeky when stressed or annoyed...actually no I am just cheeky full stop!) Anyway to my complete surprise, as I was expecting verbal abuse, he opened his window, held out his hand for the rubbish and said 'Sorry love.' I was pl...