Ok Go!

I have been visiting over at T-Bone Travis's place and he mentions Pat Metheny.

Anyway I put on Secret Story and Works I and it was awesome. Then I found myself just a little too relaxed with a small list of 'must do's' for the day!

So, I have searched out a favourite track that popped up in the truck last week. Its a brilliant song with an equally clever video.

I will return to Pat later on this evening! For now this has helped me find my motivation to go and clean things!


  1. I love this song and film clip!

  2. Hi Marg! I love your ID picture! Happy memories of play with play people!

  3. That was what I needed to get off my buns in front of this computer and get something accomplished! My "Slow Down" post you read, that had me sssllllooooowwwwweeedd down. Thanks for your comment there, also, and for your great posts here. Wheeee!!! Loved the guy in the red pants and the one in the red shirt, great choreography! Have yourself a mighty fine weekend, Bud!

  4. Now I never thought of doing that on the treadmill. New starts I think.
    Mind the elf and safety police may not approve.
    Great music too.

  5. Hey Kyle! Glad it helped! I love watching the chap in the red shirt too, he has a great comedy element!

    I am having a great weekend thank you. I am sitting at my PC replying to you and listening to Terry Wogan on line! I love my PC!!!

  6. Hey Bowledover! I am amazed they let them do this, I bet there were several forms and disclaimers to sign!

    I am really glad you like it.

  7. Anonymous1:36 pm

    Hi Dancin'

    Yes yes Secret Story top album.....lovely tunes!!!
    I was trying to remember where I first heard it and I think it may have been you who first played it to me...although can't be sure!!
    If you get the chance check out another of his called Watercolours.....also really good!

    Will ring you in the week to arrange a visit.
    Take care

  8. Hey T-Bone! Thanks for the Pat tip. Hope to see you soon!


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