
I thought of so many things to blog about last week but didn't manage to get to the PC. I tend to write many mental posts but few make it to the blog however I really want to record this event as it was a lovely thing to happen and kept me smiling through what was otherwise a naff day at work!

A couple of weeks back while returning to the truck after my lunchtime walk I saw a chap sitting in the car park in his car. As I walked past with the pups he opened his car door and dropped an empty sweet bag and some wrappers out.

I went over to the truck and secured the dogs and then walked back over to him. He was just reversing at this time to leave and I picked the wrapper up, turned towards him and mouthed 'Did you want this?'. (I can be a little cheeky when stressed or annoyed...actually no I am just cheeky full stop!)

Anyway to my complete surprise, as I was expecting verbal abuse, he opened his window, held out his hand for the rubbish and said 'Sorry love.'

I was pleased I had bothered to say something and also pleased that the person I had challenged understood my annoyance and was decent enough to be ashamed of their actions.

So, yesterday after our lunchtime walk I had just towelled off the dogs and put them back in the truck when the same man appeared and came over to speak.

I got out of the truck and said hello, his look asked the question 'do you remember me?'.

He said that he wanted to explain about the litter incident. He told me he never dropped litter and spoke to people who did himself however on that day he had a lot on his mind and had been distracted and he was grateful to me for speaking to him and picking the litter up.

He introduced himself as Vincent and explained that here was there often as he tended three allotments on the adjacent ground. He also said that later in the summer if I ever wanted any vegetables I should go and see him and I would be welcome.

It was such a lovely moment and made me very happy. I thought of Vincent often during the rest of the day and it always made me smile, what a lovely man.


  1. You done good, SisSTAR DF! and made a friend along the way. Hey, yum, fresh veggies!! ;oD

  2. You have such fine qualities Dancin' I have always known that.

    What a lovely entry.

  3. Hey Kyle, it was a good moment. We see many examples of the idiots out there on a daily basis (especially on the roads!) but there are so many cool people too!

  4. Hey Bowledover, thank you. Its an event that makes me smile everytime I think of it, and I keep singing Vincent by Don Mclean!

  5. Anonymous4:49 pm

    There has to be a Devil's Advocate and who better than me? The close proximity of 2 large German Shepherd Dogs might have been a factor and Vincent brings to my mind Vincent Price and Edgar Allan Poe before Starry Starry Night! So take care. No! I half joke, as you know well, and it is a lovely story, but they are not all locked up. HWMBO

  6. Hey HWMBO! Yes I do enjoy the pups security. They are our pets not our guards but its good to have a dog around, and even better to have two large ones!

    Vincent Price! I did not think of him! And I have just learned about Edgar Alan Poe so thank you for that. I have leanred something new today!

    Thank you for your comment and email. xxx


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