The Big Sleep

I had the biggest sleep in this morning! I am happy to say that I am gainfully employed again and although it is not my usual job it is a job, it's local and I do shifts and so have time at home in the day even when I am working.

I am however still getting used to the new routine and have for the past 6 weeks been constantly tired!!!!! Sorry actually I mean TIRED!!!!!!

I am getting a little fed up of it actually and hope that my body soon acclimatises, it is intefereing with all of the other things I want to do and my family, friends and out of work activities have all suffered.

Anyway, I have a day off today and having slept in until 10.30am!!! (I am almost too embaressed to put the actual time!) I should be caught up on all required sleep. So after spending a bit of time blogging, which is a pleasure I have not had for a few weeks, I will still have half a day to play with.

As usual there is an abundance of activities I could choose to do which range from continueing the spring cleaning to working on my website to taking a trip out somewhere. I would dearly love to make a visit to the coast but that is a days length activity from where I live so that's out now!

Well I will ponder it further over a cup of tea and see where the day takes me.


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