Eleanor of Castile

I have been reading lots of history books recently and have become somewhat
obsessed with King Edward I. It has lead me to investigate further and I am currently reading books about Robert the Bruce, Edward II, Edward III and Roger Mortimer.

Our history tutoring at school was somewhat limited, although I expect I did not give the subject my utmost attention, so much of what I am learning now is new to me.

I have been surprised to find out how significant the area I live in is historically and it has made me see my locality in a very different light. Yesterday I decided to visit a local monument that oddly enough I have driven past many times without being aware of its origins and purpose, the Queen Eleanor Cross in Northampton. (Seen here)

For anyone who does not know Eleanor of Castile was the wife of King Edward I. They married in the 13th Century and their marriage of convenience seems to have developed into a strong bond for the 36 years that they were husband and wife. Queen Eleanor died in 1290 near Lincoln and Edward had her body taken back to London for burial at Westminster Abbey.

Kind Edward had a monument erected at each of the 12 places where his Queen's body rested overnight along the journey and three of them can still be seen today.

The map here marks the journey the funeral procession took on route to London.

The other two remaining crosses are at Waltham Cross in Hertfordshire and Geddington which is also not too far from me. I am looking forward to visiting it soon.

The cross in Northampton has lost its top section, apparently as the result of a lightning strike. The cross at Geddington, seen here, is said to be the best preserved of the three remaining monuments.

It seems that all of the monuments have undergone some restoration work however I found it a very moving experience yesterday standing on the steps of a monument that was erected over 700 years ago.


  1. Thank you for sharing this post. It is lovely to find the history pertaining to these monuments and as you say how long they have lasted.


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