History Comes Alive

I am devouring history books at the moment! I have finished my books on Edward I and II and have moved onto Edward III, Robert the Bruce and the general history of Britain. Its fascinating stuff and we have some great historical authors about that make the information very accessible, most notably for me Marc Morris and Ian Mortimer.

I am also finding that I can read multiple books as they are reference books and much of what I am reading relates to the other. I currently have 9 books on the go on my Kindle. One of them is fiction, Simon Toyne, Sanctus, as its nice to drift off into a story sometimes, and I have James Palumbo's second novel waiting to be started.

My Kindle comes everywhere with me and I find I can often grab a few minutes here and there to get through a couple of new pages.

My recent readings have also educated me on the history of the area I live in which as it turns out is older and more significant than I knew! I am getting a big buzz out of walking down streets where Kings once trod and battles were fought. In fact, now I am getting an idea of just how many battles have been fought in this country I expect its harder to find a field where battle has not taken place at some point!

Anyway, time for a small reading session, after Robert the Bruce and Edward III I am moving on to The Crusades and Joan of Arc!

Happy Weekend Bloggers!


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