In Bed with M'laptop

I don't know how many people remember 'In Bed with Madonna'? That was the phrase that inspired my post title this morning, well that and Ali G! I am actually in bed with my laptop, my Kindle and a huge mug of tea; do Saturday mornings get any better!!!

I have taken to viewing the Kindle store front on Saturday mornings so I can check out what they recommend for me and also see look to see if George R R Martin or Robyn Young have released their new books that I am anxiously waiting for!

Last year I read the first in a trilogy about Robert the Bruce by Robyn Young. I am not sure when the second book is due out and I have tried many other authors in my frustration to finish the story but have not found anything I really liked. I did find a biography by Caroline Bingham but I did not get on with her style of writing and also found it to be a little biased in comparison with the historical authors I have read of late such as Marc Morris and Ian Mortimer.

I know that a huge amount of work went into completing the book by Caroline Bingham, and she sadly died not long after it was published, however it is not the book for me and so my quest continues. There are a few historical novels out at the moment about the Bruces however I have started one such trilogy with Robyn Young and will stick with long as she hurries up and publishes the next book!

As for George Martin...I read the first 5 books of A Song of Ice and Fire last year and am now awaiting the next release, again with no hint of a publishing date, although given the length of time these books have been in the making it could be years!

I have managed to avoid any clips of Game of Thrones (the televised series of A Song of Ice and Fire) as I am keen to retain my brains character imagery although I am dying to know how they have represented The Wall in the TV series. Anyone out there watching it?

I do feel at this point I should say a thank you to Sensory Dragon for recommending Game of Thrones originally. When we were first told about it the DVD Box set was not available and chancing upon the books we decided to read them instead of waiting for the DVD. Although I am told they have done the books proud I always prefer the book to the TV version of any story.

At the moment I am reading a book about Edward III (Edward of Windsor) and a story by Arthur Conan Doyle called Micah Clarke set during the Monmouth Rebellion. I have found that since having a Kindle I have several books on the go but tend to focus mainly on one or two. Since  reading about Robert the Bruce last year I have been investigating Kings of England and am currently with Edward III as pictured here.

Anyway, I am going to have to get this day started. My lovely man has taken the dogs out for a walk this morning thus allowing me to stay in bed. But before I go I want to record this quote that I came across via the Folio Society. It does not encompass all the joys and benefits of reading for me but never the less it is very true.

‘Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are’ - Mason Cooley


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