Bird Update

Regular visitors to this blog may remember me mention this fella, our one footed Starling. Actually that is a little inaccurate, he has two feet but one of them is completely redundant.

I saw him first last spring and was not too hopeful for his chances of long term survival however throughout the last year he has made repeat appearances and seems to be doing very well.

I remember at first seeing him really struggle to balance and there were some areas of the garden he did not venture for example our fruit trees as he could not get a good foot hold and balance long enough to feed there. However, he seems to have re-adjusted his balance and footing and is now capable of anything.

I see him on all of the feeders and last week caught him calling for a mate on our fence post.

This post is very popular with the birds, the Chaffinch picks a peanut off the bird table and comes and eats it on this post. The Blackbird sits here and keeps a watchful eye while his partner feeds at dawn and dusk, and our one footed Starling chose this spot to announce his requirement for a mate!

Apparently it is the males who sit and call in this way to attract a female. I don't think you can see too well in these shots taken through the window but his plumage looks amazing and he seems fit and healthy. I also think that the determination he has shown to survive deserves recognition. I hope that he is successful in mating this Spring.


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