Journeys End.

Well, I'm back...

this is a harder post to write than I imagined so, I am going to give it in brief with supporting photos.

Needless to say, awesome trip, fabulous weather (with a small facial Winter!!!) beautiful scenery and sore feet!

That's it for now except to say my wireless connection did not work out and as such I was unable to blog while in Scotland. You have been missed!

This is Ben Nevis. I spent two days surveying trees beneath her watchful gaze. I have been to the top which at 1344m is the highest mountain in Britain. It was an awesome day, both that time and this visit.


  1. Anonymous5:44 pm

    Gorgeous blog, you are very talented. I stumbled upon your page & I am very glad I did!

  2. Hey! Missed seeing you around :)

    I bet you had a fantastic trip!

  3. Welcome back! And what a beautiful photo! You were definitely missed, but I'm glad the trip went well.

  4. Saige/Grace - Hello! Thank you and welcome! I am off to visit you shortly.

    Lady Banana - Thank you! You really should take a trip there one time. It always amazes me that Scotland is attached to England, it is so different!

    Lone Chatelaine - Thank you! No blogging for 12 days!!!! Well I can make up for it now anyway! More details of Scotland to come.

    Literary Feline - Thank you! In a way being back now it feels like I never went but it was such a lovely long trip and I have good memories of long days out and about.


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