Sky Watch Friday # 23 - Snap Shot of the Day

In the summer I was out and about checking on these new trees that have been planted along the main highway into town. It's part of my job to make sure they are doing ok, and replace any that have died or been vandalised.

I also have to check that the mowers have not bashed into them and damaged the stems. It is avoidable however every once in a while someone hurries their job and a tree gets damaged.

These sun glasses were on the ground so I stopped to grab a shot. I left them to be reclaimed or re-homed.

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  1. How cool is this shot!??! I love it, it is so creative!

    Nice weekend to you.


  2. Fun and creative picture!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh my - how creative is this - well done!

  4. Interesting picture!!

  5. Wow dancin you never fail to surprise me with your creative shots.
    Thank you for sharing, its smashing.
    Thanks for dropping by and you comments.

  6. This is so beautifully weird! And I so love weirdly creative! Stunning!

  7. I think this is a Sky Watch classic... it will certainly be one that I will remember.
    All the best to you now.

  8. Nice sky and landscape behind the glass spider...crouching warewolf...or whatever else it may be with a camera.

  9. Thanks to you all for your lovely comments! Happy weekend!

  10. Anonymous5:21 pm

    Creative! Pretty neat take on Skywatch! Thank you for sharing!
    Cheers, Klaus


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