A Return to Computing

Well, I am never listening to Dell again! I was not going to complain about them but I just had to get that out!! The good news is my PC is back up and running, with a shiny new security system and all is well in my PC world.

I had an interesting day today, there's too much that has gone on in the past few weeks to write in one post so I am just going to stick to today for now.

Today was a day of few achievements; there were meetings, phone calls, spreadsheets and another series of unexplainable errors with our in-house tree management system that have fried my brain and made me question my sanity however I did manage a doodle that I liked and consider to be a good achievement!

I believe that doodling is supposed to be sub conscious, in which case I guess this is where I wanted to be today! This is a snap shot memory of my last walk on the Malverns.

It's good to be back blogging!


  1. Anonymous7:55 pm

    I agree that it is theraputic and from the subconcious to doodle.
    Nice too.
    I love this one. The trees relate to you and how you are feeling, seemingly very well.
    Good to see you back on line.
    I am using Lord Ls PC.

  2. Anonymous10:11 pm

    Hey Dancin I give up I've tried every way I can think of to get hold of you both. Was planning to come and visit this weekend. Nick's (from Minal) rock covers band are playing in The Squirrel in Duston Durston whatever it's called tonight (Friday) I was hoping we could all meet up, would have been cool. Never mind another time.
    Hope your both cool!

  3. Hi, Doodly Doo! I just blogged again 1st time in nearly a month. I got "urged" to join facebook, which I did, and find it to be so chaotic (or maybe my friends are just that way!?) but it took me away from my blog ... which is more satisfying actually. Glad to see you have made a few. I've kept checking on you. Keep it together, Dancin' Doodlin' Fool, and you KNOW you can!! How's the new vehicle and the children? (ie dogs).
    SisSTAR xo

  4. Hey Bowledover! Thank you, I enjoyed the doodle and was paying attention in my meeting to, honest! Glad you can still get online and looking forward to you getting a new PC sorted. Are you still doing some drawing? I would love to see them if you are. I took a photo of my doodle to post it.

    Hey T-Bone, sorry I did not manage to call you, we have had no phone messages from you, have you called? Blogging is not perhaps the best method to get hold of us as I do not check here everyday. Anyway I hope you had a good time at the gig if you went and hope we can see you soon? We are away for some of this weekend but I'll email you next week and check when you are free next.

    Key Kyle! It's lovely to hear from you. I hope you are well? I will be keeping up with the blogging and am so glad to have my PC back although I have got out of the habit as its been so long!! I am sure I will pick it up again very quickly though. Thanks for the encouragement! The truck and pups are great. We had the most lovely walk early this morning and it felt like we were the only ones on the planet, except the birds, cows and rabbits! And the truck has been washed and pollished and looks very shiny! Its amazing how dusty it gets, especially in the back and I like to keep it clean for the pups, although knowing dogs they probably prefer their own odour! I washed them too yesterday so they smell very sweet, much to their disgust! Have a great weekend bud, bye for now!

  5. Anonymous6:10 pm

    Hello Dancin'

    Weird I phoned both of your mobiles, but I do have a new phone and copied the numbers from one to the other, maybe I copied them wrong! Could you e-mail me your mobiles and land line number if you have one and I'll try again.
    Have a cool weekend y'all



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