What no posts?

Greetings all! I thought I had better put up a brief explanation of my extended absence from blogging. My PC has gone kaput!

Ok it's not quite as serious as that and it's a long story but basically I need to take it to someone to offload all saved files so I can do a complete restore to factory settings to rectify the problem...or so I am told!

I am currently staying with my Mum and Dad for a week hence this post!

I have to say I after the internet service interuption and then this I am almost used to not having a PC however normal service will be resumed as soon as possible!

Image Credit: Magdene.com


  1. Anonymous10:16 pm

    Should have gone to spec savers!!
    Bloody PC's.
    Hey thought about visiting next weekend would that be agreeable? say Friday night?


  2. It was lovely having you to stay dancin' and we miss you and pups a lot. There is a comment re pups on my site from Australia you may want to look at. Mean while guys are fed daily and a little exercise too.
    Take care.

  3. Hey T-Bone!! Which weekend? I'll contact you tomorrow to find out!!

    Hey Bowledover! It was lovely to stay for so long although it went quickly! Thanks again for a wonderful stay and for feeding Pip and Nanook!

  4. Anonymous10:09 pm

    Well this weekend is good for me I am completely free for once. How about you two, do you have any spare time for me?



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