Sunday is...

For me Sunday is the best day of the weekend. I am used to a more relaxed routine, the chores for the weekend have been taken care of on Saturday and there is little left to do other than the things I want to do.

We have leisurely walks with the dogs, walks around the garden with sporadic bouts of weeding, I get to visit blogs I treasure and post some things myself, and in the afternoon I cook.

I really like the kitchen in my house. It is reasonably big and the afternoon sun streams in through the window.

I like to cook something special for a Sunday lunch and am usually joined by the dogs. By the afternoon they have had enough exercise to warrant an afternoon kip but they like to be around the nice smells and close enough to see if it is going to be roast chicken, a meal from which they always benefit!

I think that it is also reminiscent for me of childhood weekends, the smells and routine reminding me of my family. My Mum is a wonderful cook and the house at the weekend in particular was filled with the smells of delicious home cooking, and the sounds of my Dad relaxing in the living room with Grandstand on. (British Sports Show.)

As a family we would all relax and wring out the last drops of the weekend together.

This afternoon I have cooked Cottage Pie and Quorn equivalent for me. Shepherds Pie and Cottage Pie are two of my fellas favourites. The dogs do not do so well out of this meal but the weekend is a spoil time for us all and there is always a treat for them.


  1. Hi Dancin Fool,thanks for your kind comments on my blog from a few months ago.Sorry I've been so long getting back to you but I've been overseas.I really like your description of a Sunday,very Graham Greene esque.Your photography is great too...Thanks Thomas Wentworth Hardy pan-riviera designs.

  2. A wonderful Sunday it sounds to be! and my husband loves Shepherd's Pie...I don't know what Cottage Pie is, and he gets the first at a local brewery, I've never made it.
    We seem to do the opposite of you re: Sat/Sun ... though I know we should get our chores done Sat, we have a bad little habit of playing more and working less THAT day and then Sun we are shuffling along doing laundry, yardwork, etc., or we split it 50/50 we both days.
    Tuffy Boy is finally using his new Burberry dog/cat bed that I bought at the Salvation Army thrift store for $9...then looked it up online and it was something like $130 retail! ha ha! I'd never heard of Burberry, not being into designer stuff, but now it's cold out, Tuffy spends most his time snuggled up in there instead of in the house......and the food we put on the porch for him is drawing several more stray cats besides his "girlfriend" we named Creamy. Not good (though I'd have 'em all if I could, but too difficult to catch them to spay or neuter!)
    Anyway, wanted to stop and see what you were up to. I loved your bird shots and the Fri Skywatch in Wales! It matches my mood since a death of someone dear last wk. It helps to read my Bud's blogs and a few others. I will do a little rain dance your way, SisSTAR!

  3. Hello Tom! I hope you had a great time abroad? Anywhere exciting? Thank you for the lovely compliment. I had not heard of Graham Greene but have since looked him up and will be buying a book or two, he sounds right up my street!

    Hey Kyle! I am so sorry to hear about your friend and am sending love and hugs to you. Thanks for your wonderful comment. Over here we say Shepherd's Pie is minced lamb and Cottage Pie is the same meal but with minced beef. I hope you will be pleased to know that your rain dance worked! Thank you!!

  4. Thanks Dancin'Fool,I've been in Java Indonesia which is quite a treck for European's but not too far from Australia.I was living in a village in a very non-touristic area.It's quiet,life is simple.I kept myself amused mostly with local beer.I've been there many times.It's a mysterious place...Cheers


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