Book Worm

Well as the year continues its still very busy but exciting! And I have been managing to keep up on my reading which is great. I joined the public library recently and have been raiding their shelves, and have also downloaded the Kindle software onto my PC to make the most of the free books.

The experience has really sold Kindle devices to me, having originally thought they were not for me, my favourite tools being the immediate access to books and more impressively the dictionary tool.

Often when I am reading I come across a word I do not know the meaning of and as it is not always practicable to grab the dictionary every time to look it up I often move on, missing some of the meaning of the material I am reading.

I now at the click of a button can look up a word and swiftly move on. I have especially noticed the benefit of this while recently reading some older literature such as my current book The Tales of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle. Anyway, the Kindle is a purchase that will have to wait for a while but I really think I may get one at some point.

I have just finished reading Truman Capote - In Cold Blood, a factual story of multiple murders and the consequences. One of the books I suspect that anyone involved in the judicial service and related professions has been made to study and discuss.

I was originally attracted to the story when the film 'Capote' came out as Truman Capote is played by one of my favourite actors Philip Seymour Hoffman and I watched it on a plane earlier in the year however, I did not manage to catch all of the dialogue and wanted to read the book to get more detail out of the story.

I don't think I am quite ready to discuss it yet, it is rather disturbing on so many levels, but I actually think the process of writing a discussion of the book would help me!

It was good to read something factual though and I really do think I have learned a lot from it. It has certainly been thought provoking, and as I read it in one day and finished the book shortly before bed time was also nightmare provoking too! So I will be moving onto something a little lighter hearted for my next read!

Well today the sun is shining and it promises to be blue skies all the way! I have some prep work to do for teaching on Thursday but got most of it done yesterday. I also got the house cleaned yesterday and so have the luxury of a day sprawling before me in which the dogs and I can do as we please...well almost as we please. I am pretty sure we would all love most to go to the beach for the day but it's a little too far for a day trip, especially starting out at this hour! I really must get a beach trip planned in soon though!

Ok, time to get started! Happy Tuesday Bloggers! I hope the sun is with you.


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