Saturday Mornings of the Past

It has been a very long week this week and so I am starting my Saturday in the style of days gone by. I am sat on the couch, wearing my goony (dressing gown) and drinking tea. The only thing that is missing is something cool on the TV!

I used to love Saturday morning TV as a small child. We would watch The Flashing Blade, Champion the Wonderhorse, the Six Million Dollar Man, the Monkeys and the Banana Splits.

I know nowadays there are lots of great shows for kids on the TV, and dedicated channels for them, but I don't think they have the appeal that some of my childhood favourites did.

I have recently been thinking about Monkey, which was another childhood favourite, and The Waltons which I loved and also associate with the weekend after it was last repeated on Sunday mornings. I even looked at the box set of The Waltons on amazon but that show has kept its value a little too well!

I looked out some images of the shows I have mentioned to remind you (in case you needed it) and this image of the Banana Splits really made me happy to look at, I thought therefore they deserved a full page spread! I remember very little of the show but have the most amazing associations with them. They really brought much joy. Although the second one from the left still scares me a little...not sure why!!!

I get the same feeling when I see Basil Brush although I do remember why I loved him so much, he used to make me howl with laughter!

Monkey, or Monkey Magic was always a bit weird but I loved it. And the Monkeys were great and are touring as a band at present. I heard an interview with them recently and the list of song writers who wrote for them is very impressive. They had some great songs.

Well Saturday morning TV is pretty grim I have to say but at least it seems I can rely on E4 playing repeats of Friends forever!

Image Credits: Sterling Times, Den of Geek, Anarchy on the Allotment, Just Me, Eclectic Banana, Tenho Mais Discos Que Amigos


  1. Mac's Niece11:57 am

    The second banana split from the left looks like Alan Carr (Chatty Man) - that is enough to scare anyone on a Saturday morning!

  2. Mac's Niece12:00 pm

    No offence meant, Alan.

  3. LOL!!!!! That is so funny and so very true!

  4. I remember Champion The Wonder Horse...apparently I used to rock myself to sleep to the theme tune, and move the bed across the floor at the same time! I was only about 3-4 years old at the time I hasten to add!

  5. Ha! It was great music. I loved Rebel the dog and dreamt of having a German Shepherd!!!!


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