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Greetings. It has been a difficult time for many people I know recently; there has been grief and concern for loved ones and friends.

I have found blogging difficult during such a time however I have taken peace in a couple of early morning walks and the world at it's most beautiful.

I wish to share my moments of peace with all of my loved ones and friends. My love and thoughts are ever with them.

And lastly there is new life. Welcome Aran 3rd August 2007. The sun was shining on the day you were born.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Oaks in silhouette

An early harvest

Dawns breath


  1. Anonymous2:49 pm

    dancin' fool all these pictures seem to reflect the emotional state that you have been in, over the stressful time you have experienced. Then the period when you emerge from that state.
    The first picture, untitled, reminds me of lit candles placed in the ground at dawn, by whoever, to mark an event and you came across them.
    I think someone walks with you to share the beauty.


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