Sky Watch Friday # 16

While you are passing I really recommend a visit to Bowledover. Not an official Sky Watch post but the most beautiful sky shot!

Happy Sky Watch Friday All! To join or see other participants click here.


  1. Anonymous8:24 pm

    Just lush colors. Really impressive photography.

    I think this is going to be the best Sky Watch Friday yet. The things I have seen are very encouraging and the photography is spot on.

    I really admire your photography skills and your critical eye for composition, lighting and texture.

    Abraham Lincoln
    —Brookville Daily Photo

  2. I don't have enough words to describe this--it is simply amazing and beautiful.

  3. The sky and the earth seem to be two separate worlds together here.

  4. you've got a beautiful sky shot too!

  5. Anonymous9:24 pm

    It is well known that we Portuguese once sailed the seven seas searching for new lands, wealth and adventures.
    We were brave in those days and gave the world new worlds!

    Luckily I don’t have to sail the big oceans on a small ship to sea the wonders of our world …
    No Sir, I just need to check with Mr. Tom, the finest host there is, for a trip around the world with SKY WATCH TOURS and with a click here, a click there I am quickly in the USA, England, Brazil, Italy, China, Australia, Finland … well, everywhere.

    And on each stop I come to see a little marvel of our world under a great sky!
    Hope you can come and see my piece of the sky at lenses & visions

  6. Cool :)

    I love stormy skies like that.

  7. This is an interesting one, with that dark cloud hovering near, ready to obliterate the lovely colors.

  8. I hole !! it looks like a burning hole in the sky. Such a great shot!!

    Nice weekend wish to you from Norway.

  9. What an incredible, moody sky!

  10. Oh that looks like fire in them clouds. Wonderful

  11. Anonymous2:11 am

    Love the colors in this shot!

  12. Isn't the changing sky amazing? Lovely capture.

  13. You've captured a beautiful, broody sky! Wonderful Sky Watch photo. Thanks!

  14. Lovely picture. I love to look at the sky.

  15. Anonymous5:53 am

    That's a beautiful sky shot!

  16. beautiful, dreamy colors. happy SWF!

  17. Perfect entry for skywatch… all I can say is that “you’ll be the sun in somebody else’s sky”…LoL! Mine’s up too hope you can drop by…

  18. Moody and dramatic! Really nice...
    And I checked out The Goodies, and they just about wore me out -- really zaney! Pretty wild...

  19. Official unofficial, just an awesome view. Dramatic sky you go there.

  20. Great sky watch post!!

  21. Nice looking sky for sky watch.

  22. Wonderful colors. Thanks for the detour to your friend's site. I followed it and left a note. The colors in this shot are luscious (they kind of match your banner) and look almost like a water color. Beautiful. I enjoyed scrolling down the page and looking at your other beautiful photos. I'm a rock junky so I enjoyed your pebble shot very much.

  23. Anonymous2:16 am

    Oh my and I thought the OBX of NC had beautiful skies.
    Thanks for the beautiful photo.

  24. Thanks for the link dancin' and what a lovely picture.
    Have you thought of producing a photographic book on Trees, in the various locations you frequent?.
    If not sky pictures with your poetry along side. I think both would be wonderful.

  25. Better late.. very late than never.... sorry I do not know how I came to miss you out.. I'll wack myself with a rooled up newspaper.
    It's a delightful shot and I am sorry I missed it.



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