To Bed, Perchance to Sleep?

Ok I know that is a cruel way to treat such a beautiful phrase as the last line from Hamlet's famous soliloquy, and I use it in a literal sense, but it suits my needs perfectly. I cannot sleep!

It does not happen to me often and has occurred much more in recent years, predominantly as a result of worrying about work, but when it does happen I am very soon aware that while the bed may be comfy and my eyes may be closed, my brain is not going to switch off!

I hate lying there for hours, as the time passes both quickly and slowly, and bed (one of my favourite places to be) becomes a slow torture.

I usually give myself a certain amount of time to try and relax and shake of my train of thought. I try focusing on the story of my current book, or daydream off to lands I have discovered through favourite TV programmes or books form my past and this is often successful.

However every once it a while it proves futile and my only other proven treatment is to get up for a while, have a cup of tea and distract myself by blogging or reading. TV is usually naff at that time in the morning or there is a horror film on and that's not the kind of distraction I need!

I feel a bit bad for the dogs, who sleep in the living room and do not like to be disturbed. But I have kept all of the lights off and have a blanket under my keyboard to keep typing noise to a minimum!

Anyway, it's all very silly really. I have my client progress meeting tomorrow and for one reason or another I have two colleagues attending who can be unprofessional, unpredictable and in case of one of them volatile and ignorant. It is likely that the meeting will pass without incident and I will fall into bed tomorrow night annoyed at my concern currently robbing me of sleep but for the present it is a big enough worry.

So I am currently reading The Time Travellers Wife which I am finding excellent. It is such a clever story. I am not planning on giving anything away but I anticipate being entertained for the duration of the book.

I got back into reading more books last year having read sporadically for years now and I cannot get enough. I am keeping a record of the books I read on my blog. This is only my fourth book so far this year and I am currently reading 2 of those books at the same time however we have a weeks holiday planned soon during which I intend to bury my nose for a few days. We have both got a small stack of books to take away with us.

I treasure the time I get to read in. I used to favour film over books as a child but now appreciate the depth and detail of a story that I think only books can give.

Well it's now 1.20am and my eyes are starting to feel droopy. This may seem a short post but as I am trying to be quiet by typing slowly, and have already made a cup of tea, I have actually been up for a while!

Well I am off back to bed to ponder Henry and Clare (current book characters) and hope that they will lead me to sleep, perchance to dream. Goodnight Bloggers.


  1. Hey DF! Hope you get to sleep tonight. I have had insomnia for many years and used to take sleeping aids, but since I have been eating lots healthier and not using the asthma inhaler anywhere near as much, don't have those same stimulants in my system. But! I still get my mind going about stupid stuff and roll and toss about, esp when the cat wakes me early in the a.m. and then have a hard time getting back to sleep. I am lucky that I can go to bed very late as I can get up around 10 am and not go into work until 12 noon or even later most days ;oD Very lucky! And The Time Traveler's Wife was truly an awesome book, better than the movie. It was interesting to see how they made it into a movie, but the book was so much more detail. I know you will love it all.
    I trust all your worries about work have passed by already and you can stop thinking about that and have a really good weekend!
    Bye for now! SisSTAR xo

  2. Hey Kyle! Do you have the store The Body Shop near you? They do a fabulous essential oil to aid sleep and restful sleep and it works a charm. But I do think my body would just prefer to sleep in some days too!

    I have 100 pages left in The Time Travellers Wife and am worried for one of the characters! I will have to finish it this morning. I have been thinking how on earth they would make it into a film and am glad I got to the book first.

    As for my meeting it was cancelled at the last minute! I really must stop worrying about silly things, it is always a waste of time and energy!

    We have a lovely weekend planned of gardening (putting plants in around the outside of the pond) reading and completing a craft project I have planned. I will reveal more once it is completed!

    Happy weekend bud, bye for now!! xx

  3. Hey Ladybanana! Not that night but I have slept well since! In fact I am just having my first cup of tea of the day having had the most wonderful lie in this morning!

    I have felt like that about reading a few times in the past and I hate it. Thankfully eventually I come across a book that fires my enthusiasm again.

    I hope it happens for you soon. What sort of stuff do you like to read?

  4. Hi DF ... pond looks lovely and the frogs will be happier soon. We saw one larger bullfrog sitting on a floating pot in ours and then it poured rain for 2 days (filling the pond up better, too). Re: the natural sleep stuff, I quite often take my bottle of lavender oil and fling it all over my pill and inhale right from the bottle a few times and that works nicely. I have to have lavender oil at all times, it's so soothing and good for so many it's one you can put right on your skin without diluting it in other oils. Great for mosquito bites and cold sores, I could go on and on. Congrats on the meeting at work being cancelled and another good reason to stop worrying, eh! Happy trails and blissful sleep. And as the Beatles would sing: "Golden slumbers fill our eyes, smiles awake you when you rise, sleep little darlin' do not cry, and I will sing a lullaby-eeee!" ;oD
    Happy Sunday, Budette! xo


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