Christmas Speech!

I am not sure what I am going to write today but I felt like coming here and creating a post. Once again I have written many mental posts over the past few days. I should drag out my pocket tape recorded and then I can get them on tape when I think of them and write them up later when time allows.

I have had the most lovely Christmas with visits to see family and many communications with friends. In fact I heard from a very old friend just a few days before Christmas which was a wonderful surprise, a girl I went to school with who's parents moved away when we were about 14. For whatever reason we did not manage to keep in touch however she has found me on Facebook and it is lovely to be in touch again. I have been flooded with lots of lovely memories of good time spent with her, mostly giggling!

I was spoiled rotten with thoughtful gifts from family and Mr Dancin' and all of the gifts we gave have been very well received. Receiving is wonderful but as we all know giving is better!

Today we are having the last of our Christmas chill days before work resumes. Mr Dancin' is catching up on sleep after a lovely but long day yesterday and I am in the kitchen pottering, doing some chores, cooking lunch, playing on my PC, indulging in a large Brandy and loving every minute! Quality time at home is a treasure to me.

The dogs are also catching on sleep after all of the past few days excitement where they have missed out on some of their 'catnaps' but they are happy in the knowledge that their beds are made, their cupboard is full of goodies and there is a fairly good chance of one more special tea before normality resumes for a few days tomorrow. They had beef for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, many other spoils and some turkey yesterday which had to be donated to them after they had licked it! (It's not their fault, it was just too close to the edge of the table!)

Despite being content in the moment I am looking forward to the year ahead. It has for the most been a very good year and although there are some changes afoot which bring some uncertainty to the year we already have some great plans for 2011.

Ok, I think I am done for now! Happy New Year Bloggers! May 2011 bring you all you desire and deserve!


  1. Hi Dancin'! Great post! Sounds like you are enjoying a very nice holiday with those you love. Awesome! It was great getting your card 12/26! Very happy for me! I know I have spent more time on facebook lately than posting on my blog, but I will pledge to myself to do better 2011 because I truly LOVE blogging and my few but very GOOD friends here. I think facebook makes me lazy because it's more "interactive" immediately and not, "Hmm, let's see, I actually have to THINK to type something inspirational or ingenious or funny or ...?" As you said, I have many posts in my head or even on paper, but I read them again and say, no, folks won't wanna hear that!" I think I might take some time the next few days to write something that happened Dec 6th that I wrote page after page about...and it was interesting. In the meantime, great to be friends on fb also! Thanks for the birthday wishes! Today is the big day--25 yrs married and 59 yrs born! We just might go back to the restaurant where we had our little wedding dinner and see what it's like there now (been 3-5? different places since our wedding!) Happy "between" holiday time! Will be wishing you a Happy New Year soon! p.s. LOVE your photos! and always stories of the dogs! xo

  2. Hey Dancin' do I have to wait until May!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    No, I too am looking forward to 2011.
    Lots of good wishes to you and your followers.

  3. Hey Kyle! Well here we are in January! I am very excited about the year ahead, it is such a positive time of year! Glad you had a good birthday, anniversary and Christmas, did you get the birthday e-card via email?

    Well Honey for now Happy New Year again and keep smiling! xxx

  4. Hey Bowledover! That made me chuckle! No you don't have to wait until May, good things should already be underway! Thanks for your lovely message xxx


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