Six Years in the Making

I have been blogging for 6 years now, hard to believe really! Anyway I have just been looking through my blogroll and bloggers that have come and gone over the years. When I first started blogging I spent a lot of time visiting new sites and meeting new bloggers so to speak; a few of them I still share comments with, one of them has become my friend (Hey Kyle!) which is amazing, but many of them have not blogged for some time or have deleted their blogs altogether.

When I first started out there was a lovely lady called Joni who used to blog about her farm. Unfortunately she decided she did not have time to keep her blog up and deleted it. (I have just spotted that she started it up again this year although has yet to post! Come back to the blogosphere Joni!)

There was also a blogger called Lone Chatelaine who I used to share lots of comments with. She was a lady looking for love; the last post she made on her public blog was a picture of her hand wearing an engagement ring with a lovely post about her fiancée, it always makes me smile to think of her and I wonder what she is doing now.

There was Coversgirl, my first blogging friend who maintained an amazing blog called Between the Covers about the many books she read, and Abe Lincoln, a nature lover, author and photographer, who's blog is not available to be viewed at this moment.

And lastly but most significantly there was Mac's Niece at Caged Minutes, my wonderful sister who first introduced me to blogging. Although as my sister we do communicate in many other ways as well!

I have myself been subject to fluctuations in blogging; sometimes life gets in the way and sometimes I just don't have anything to say, but I do find this hobby to be so worthwhile. I have learnt a lot, and found and corresponded with some amazing people from all around the globe. I have recently found a new blogger at Hornfleur Then and Now and am so enjoying her interesting posts.

So today I am going to travel the blogosphere once again to see what you have all been up to and find some more new bloggers! But first, I have to take a cup of coffee to Mr Dancin, snoozing away upstairs! Well it is Sunday after all! Happy weekend bloggers.


  1. Is rather interesting how some bloggers come and go and others just keep right on posting. There are several I miss. Yet always new folks to find and follow.

  2. Hey Gaelyn, you are right, I think I am in for the log hall though!

  3. Sorry...that's long haul! Its been a long day! :0)

  4. Hi Dancin'!!! I actually went on my blog today and was delighted to see some posts from you, as well as a little rhyme ;o) ... and just read this and am so PROUD you called me your FRIEND !!! And that is true ... I think of you often and your 2 awesome big dogs who I've loved to read about and see photos of for years now. I am soooo sorry I have been a facebook addict, but at last you are on there for me also, though I know we don't communicate much there. I keep saying I'm going to blog more ... and it is so rewarding to do so when I do it. I am lured by your words and I remember the first time I visited your blog seeing the Frank Zappa music posts and sharing them with my husband. I feel like you are a kindred spirit and so privileged to even have your address!!! (yes, look for that holiday card!) Thank you for your encouragement ... it is always nice to be remembered, esp for posts written and photos shared. You are such an awesome fun cool ladykins! Scratches and kisses for the boys ... and a big hug for YOU! xoxoxo Read me soon!


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