Balloon Fesitval

Last weekend was our local balloon festival and we decided to climb up to Dinas Bran Castle to get the best views of the event. It was not quite what I expected but was a great afternoon and evening with a few additional surprises. We had a clear view of the balloons as they were inflated and began their ascent from the venue below. Most of these shots were taken with my telephoto lens but without the aid of my tripod and image quality has suffered somewhat as a result.

We were then able to watch them pass over the town and up the vale.

Most of the balloons appeared to be solo manned.

As the balloons ascended they all headed south towards the Ceiriog Valley.

Suddenly to the west we spotted these two balloons ascending simultaneously and away from the main event.

Once they reached a certain height we were surprised to watch two nutters jump out of them and begin their hair-raising descent to the event field below.

The evening culminated with the most beautiful sunset over the gateway to Snowdonia.

I took a hundred and one photos of this sunset, it was just magical.

The event went on for two days and the following morning we were lucky enough to catch the balloons flying over us as we took the pupster for her morning constitutional.

Both of these balloons were solo manned with a bucket seat underneath.

I had expected there to be themed balloons however am in no way disappointed. It was a beautiful afternoon and we met some great people who had also come to share the experience on the adjacent hill that overlooks Llangollen. It will be a definite for next years calendar. (Note to self, take a flask of tea with your pack up next time.)


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