Simple Pleasures

Its the simple things in life as they say, picking tomatoes from my garden, harvesting the rhubarb and eating it fresh for my tea, waking up early and heading downstairs for a blogging session before the village awakens. Ah the joys of a quiet Saturday morning with these thoughts in mind, my only company a cooing Wood Pigeon outside and a softly snoring pupster.

Keep good company.


  1. Awww - how sweet!

  2. I very much like the feeling that your photos emanate. Your other blogs also appear to be interesting to me. Thanks so much for visiting mine. I'm joining yours today!

  3. Hi Cloudia, thank you, what a lovely comment and compliment!

  4. What an adorable dog. Your tomatoes look perfect!

  5. Thanks Al :0) she is a sweetie, and the tomatoes are going down very well.


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