The Wee Small Hours (Reprise)

Well here we are again, there's not much point posting about why I can't sleep, we all go through it at some point, but often I find heading for my blog is a good cure. It takes my mind of the 101 worries or jobs that seem to fill your hear when morpheus evades and usually after a hot drink and a few minutes distraction I can get back to sleep for the short time between now and the alarm clock.

We moved to a new house 6 months ago and there are two reception rooms, as such I can come through to what we call the music room and set up without disturbing the pupster. Our old house had one living room, open plan to the kitchen, where the pups would sleep and my midnight blogging sessions would result in much heavy sighing and staring from them as their rest was disturbed. 

I popped into the living room when I came down just now and Roxy pup lifted her head briefly to give me her usually sweet acknowledgement, but now she has lowered her head back to the couch and resumed snoring. 

Anyway I am going to pop over to my new blog for a while. I have created it to record my studies of history, most specifically medieval history, which is a passion of mine and somewhere I can go to anytime and for hours as a sweet distraction. But I leave you with this gem of a story.

One of the more cheery stories to hit the news here yesterday was a petition by English Heritage to make jousting an Olympic sport. How awesome would that be! I must confess my first thought was could I compete.

I know there are regular jousting tournaments held around the world and have seen jousting events at castles in the UK. The skill required is very impressive and it also fascinates me to attend an event akin to that of my heroes and villains from history.


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