Baby it's Cold Inside.
Our heating has packed up just in time to coincide with a particularly cold spell in Blighty! Actually that is a slight exaggeration. Our heating is on its way out and all downstairs radiators have stopped working, the bedroom and bathroom ones still work so I am going to bed soon! We live in a rented house. It is a private let and so assistance is a little slower than is desired but we have reported the problem to our land lord and some one is coming round to give us a quote on Thursday night. Hopefully the landlords will approve the cost although due to symptoms I fear the problem may be significant. We probably should have raised the matter earlier, like in the summer! We moved in during May and noticed a bottle of heating system sealant in the airing cupboard! We have a nasty suspicion that the radiators need flushing out due to sludge that has built up over a period of years. This house has been rented out for some time and I don't think much money has been spent on its upkeep...