Potions and Lotions

I have recently re-discovered Olbas Oil, an ointment that we used to use as children when we had colds. Inhaling it unblocks your nose.

I bought some a while back when I had a cold and kept putting a few drops on my collar, since then I use it most days as it helps me breath easier all the time and smells really nice.

I love all thinks minty and fresh. Olbas is eucalyptus, juniper berry, levomenthol, dementholised mint oil and wintergreen.

I also put a few drops on my pillow each night and it helps me breath clearly. A few drops in the bath is also very relaxing.

Finally it can help relieve migraines as it has a cooling action if rubbed on the skin, however do not get it in your eyes or a migraine will be the least of your worries!


  1. I agree about getting it in your eyes.
    Its also good for sun burn as it takes the sting out.

  2. A-ha, I did not know that! Or if I did I had forgotten. Thank you!

  3. They make a nasal inhaler also which is convenient. You may also know that lavender oil is good for so many wonderful things... sniffing for calmness, rub on temples for headaches, or face for sinus aches, a tad on a cold sore or takes the sting and itch out of mosquito bites. It is my favorite. Doesn't taste good, though...but there is a favorite dark chocolate bar with lavender flowers in it ;oD

  4. Hey Bud, we are big fans of lavender in our family, all things nice and smelly in fact! However chocolate with lavender, now that sounds special, thanks for the great tip!

    Have you ever had crystallized violets?

  5. Lady Banana, I hope you are feeling better!


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