In The Pink - Top 10 Books

Well it’s early on a Saturday and I have already visited Brisbane and California; which has resulted in this post!

Kailana is collating a list of books that bloggers cannot live without, inspired by a list of top 100 books that The Guardian newspaper (UK) recently produced to commemorate World Book Day on 1st March 2007.

2000 people took part in The Guardians’ survey and the resultant list is……well frankly for the most baffling to me!

I am therefore participating by posting a list of 10 books that I have read and cannot live without. If you wish to add your own list of favourite books follow this link for further instructions. The definitive bloggers list will be posted by Kailana after 15th April.

1. The Lord of The RingsJ.R.R. Tolkien

Undoubtedly my favourite book of all time; I visit Middle Earth frequently. I would not presume to review this book but would strongly recommend it to anyone who has not read it yet. (Is there actually anyone who has not read this book?)

2. The HobbitJ.R.R. Tolkien

Perhaps not a surprise after my first choice but again a wonderful world to visit and a story full of adventure and beautiful imagery. If you are a fan of talking books, The Hobbit read by Martin Shaw is fantastic; he has a wonderful and convincing range of character voices but do not put the disk with Gollum on while you are in bed, it can be a very startling awakening!

3. The Way of WyrdBrian Bates

This book is fascinating. No, I am not going to say anymore, just read it!

4. Jonathan Livingston SeagullRichard Bach

A glorious tale of flight. You will never look at Seagulls in the same way again, unless you live in Cornwall. I don’t think there is anything that can change their attitude towards Gulls, it’s a little like Arboriculturalists and Squirrels; on the whole they just don’t get along! (Excluding this arborculturalist!)

5. The Adventures of Goodnight and LovingLeslie Thomas

Recently listed in my weekly six features this book sums up all I love about travelling. Another fabulous adventure that always gives me itchy feet!

6. Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant MessiahRichard Bach

Another book I would not presume to review as I think it will offer different things to different readers. For me it restores some of my belief systems.

7. Wuthering HeightsEmily Brontë

Ok, it’s a love story, and not a cheerful one at that, but the strength of her characters and my attraction to many aspects of the way of life associated with this time make this book a favourite. In addition my perception of Wuthering Heights, the song by Kate Bush, was totally altered after reading this book for the first time. I felt it moved her in the same way it moved me. All hail Kate!

8. The English DictionaryVarious

Ok, I didn’t read within the criteria for this list that books were required to be fictional or narrative. I have many favourite and important reference books that I did not feel were appropriate for the listing. I did notice that The Bible is included within the Guardian’s original list. I am not going to comment further on its’ literary status however, ‘The Dictionary’, my dictionary, allows me to explore language and I anticipate many further happy hours of word exploration. In addition it permits me to access authors' descriptive talents where their word power exceeds my own. Obviously I cannot profess to having read it all, yet, but I would never be without it.

9. The Motorcycle DiariesChe Guevara

Again not a work of fiction but a very interesting tale, more importantly to me though are my associations with this man that this book re-affirms. I expect everyone one to have an impression of Ernesto Che Guevara, that will not necessarily coincide with mine, however from this man and this book I take courage.

10. The Strays – Barbara Ludman

The final book slot I give to a book I have not read for a long time but that has left a lasting impression and is of immense sentimental value to me. My Father bought me this book as a child and, although I didn’t realise it at the time, this book introduced me to the wonder of reading. Both my Mother and Sister are also responsible for my love of reading as they made immense efforts to share the joy of books with me at an early age when reading was a media form I had little patience for. This is a lovely tale that I know will always transport me back to both youth and comfort.


  1. Thanks so much for joining in! There are books on here that I have never heard of before, I am going to have to check them out!

  2. Wuthering Heights is one of my faves and I love the Kate Bush song.

  3. Hi Kailana! I am glad to join in and had good fun compiling my list. It also made me realise that I need to read more! Once the bloggers list is compiled I may use it as a reading list for this year!

    I have tried to use good links to both authors and books so you should be able to find out more about the new books easily.

  4. Hello Chris! Thank you for your comment. I am always glad to find a fellow Wuthering Heights fan (the book) and Kate Bush fan, have you listened to her latest album Aerial?

    If you follow the link I used for Wuthering Heights the song it goes to the music video on You Tube.

    I love the song, it is haunting.

    Congratulations on your Bloglebrity Status, I stumbled across it yesterday via Coversgirl (Between the Covers) and am proud of my D Status and striving for promotion!

  5. Glad to have been of service! I am so jealous that you could come up with a list that quickly - I'm still struggling. I can say that The Lord of the Rings and Wuthering Heights will definitely be on there . . . I can't imagine being without them.

  6. Hello Coversgirl. Your blog was a source of multiple blogging activities for me yesterday!

    How is the list coming along? I have been looking at other peoples lists and I definately need to read more!

  7. I've always wanted to read Wuthering Heights but due to endless reasons, I've never gotten the chance to sit and devour it yet. That was a nice list!

  8. Josette, thanks for your visit and comments. You will just have to arrange for a weekend away from all chores and read Wuthering Heights in one go! It really is worth it.


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