
We have had my parents staying with us for the weekend and had the most wonderful time, including a bit of a sing song session last night which lead to my few previous musical posts. At 2am I gave it up and went to Bedfordshire!

It was lovely to have some quality family time. My Mum taught me some new crochet which was very exciting and will hopefully be the start of me developing my skills in that area, having been limited to crocheting squares. I have always got a lot of joy out of it but I am now looking forward to going further. My Gran taught me to crochet squares when I was little. It is a very peaceful past time.

My Dad, reminded me about the The Grumbleweeds, which I had completely forgotten about, who were a group of comedians and impressionists around on the TV when I was growing up, and we all had a hoot listening to some old Barron Knights tracks. (As posted below!)

The main event of the weekend was my Mum's driving experience day but that is not my story to share so you will have to keep an eye out on Bowledover's Blog to hear more about that!

We are now spending a quiet sunny afternoon doing a few chores and relaxing before the working week starts again. Happy Weekend all, may it be as joyous as ours has been.


  1. My thanks to you for such a lovely Mums day gift, driving a Mini Cooper Sport.I have so many happy memories to relive.
    I will be blogging my driving pictures tomorrow.
    Thank you to for giving us such a great weekend.
    Have a wonderful week.

  2. Your layout has received praise so check it out. Thank you.

  3. You are welcome! Glad you like the new blog layout. xxx


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