Fly By

I had a top day today. I was very busy in the office...well the spare room but Monday to Friday it doubles as my office. Anyway I got loads done and won a contract in Walsall that starts next week. (With trees it's always can you start yesterday!)

On my lunchtime walk I turned at the sound of jet engines to see the Red Arrows do a flyby which was very special. They were in two V formations and very low. I waved!

And after that I was treated to a close and pre-longed flyby by the Buzzards who inhabit the hill fort in our village. Just lovely.

I did not have my camera with me which is a shame in some ways as the birds and the planes were so close, but on the other hand I got to enjoy the moment completely without suddenly trying to get my camera out of its case in time and focus. I just sat back, smiled and enjoyed it!

The Red Arrows is such a special site and gave me that welled up happy feeling that makes you laugh out loud. I would have loved to have been a pilot but most aeroplane careers that end in that kind of job seem to start in the military and that was definitely not for me.

I have been looking out some Red Arrows shots to post but only like to post images from sites where its cool. I have found an amazing one but its from someones photography blog so I don't want to post the image but follow this link to check it out...truly amazing!

Ok there are no pictures that I feel I can pinch so just go to Bing Images Red Arrows and have a look for yourself!


  1. Anonymous4:51 pm

    Saw buzzards over the golf course last saturday (4), did not have camera either and they were right overhead. Often see red arrows, of course, being in Lincolnshire, and they always thrill. Remember!: we tried to make you an RAF dog handler (or kennel maid) - that's military.
    You know who.

  2. Hello! I too often do not have my camera when I should but the memory of the sight is as good.

    I do remember but as with the planes it was the dogs that were the attraction! You know I could have never got up that early on a regular basis!! xx


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