Wasps Nest


  1. I like the textures and colours in this picture.
    Nature is wonderful.
    So is your photography.

  2. Thank you! Apparently they chew wood into pulp using their 2mm long jaws (this is the common UK wasp) and mix it with their saliva which is like a resin. Then they spit it back out and make the nest with membrane like walls to create the chambers for their young. Amazing creatures!

  3. Anonymous10:23 pm

    We have them here and are called "Paper Wasps" here. They are usually busy building small nests at the corners of protected areas.

  4. Its been quite a year for insects.
    The bee hive in the garden.
    The leaf cutter bees.
    Lots of good insects, which help the flowers.
    I saw a lady bird with so many spots they could not be counted.
    Not so many ants. May be the cold weather stopped them.
    What ever I rate this as a special year for insects and garden.


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