Greetings! I was going to call that last piece Fair Maiden, but then I found a poem called Fair Maiden, it's by Shane Ward. Anyway, I felt that the title had been well and truly assigned, and so leave the last verse from me nameless for now. Enjoy Fair Maiden.



Fair maiden oh so long ago it was since I saw thee
In ribbons and in petticoats with tassels on your knee
Twas innocence in which we played on bright and sunny a day
And up your house we laughed and planned that we would run away


Up yours, Up yours, Up yours is where laughed and played
Up yours, Up yours, Up yours is where we played.


Fair maiden I remember that you solemnly did swear
That if I showed you my two plums then you'd show me your pear
And there I took you at your word but mayhap you forgot
Ah solemnly you spoke that day but fruit you showed me not


Ah sol, Ah sol, Ah solemnly you gave your word
Ah sol, Ah sol, Ah solemn was your word


Fair maiden I recall the voice that charmed my heart to you
Your lilting shamed the birds away and other fauna too
You sang so high the windows smashed. I feared you'd blow your top.
You twittered on from dawn till dusk. I thought you'd never stop.


You twit, You twit, You twittered madly all day long
You twit, You twit, You twittered all day long.


Fair maiden twas so long ago, yet now we meet again.
Alas we parted angrily and there we still remain
Yet if it please thee I would like to give you something true
An offering of peace and love would be my gift to you


Peace off, Peace off, Peace offerings I give to you
Peace off, Peace off, Peace off I say to you.


  1. Anonymous5:11 pm

    My search for new music sees me once again searching through Frank Zappa's vast catalogue of albums, i have a few already that i love and one or two which i wished i had'nt bought.I am asking all the people i know who love Frank Zappa to tell me which albums they would put in their top 3 and why.
    Could you and B have a think and let me know which are your favourites.......Broadway the hardway is looking a good bet at the moment. This is a list of the albums i already have and love,
    Hot Rats
    Roxy and Elsewhere
    Joes Garage
    Shiek Yerbouti
    Zoot Allures
    Does Humour belong in Music
    Ship too late
    So which FZ album do you think will make a good addition.
    Big Love T-bone

  2. Hello T-Bone! Umm, that's a tough one, top 3 Frank. Well I have been chatting about it with B and I think he is thinking of his own.

    In the meantime I would recommend, taking into account the ones you already have, and as you are already considering Broadway the Hardway (top album!) excluding that too.......gosh this is really hard......I think I will recommend You are What You is, Apostrophe and Over-nite Sensation, and why, because they are brilliant!

    Do you want me to do you I allowed to say that over the net?!?!?!

    Did you know I once sent Wincy Willis (as a fellow David Bowie fan) a picture of him from my collection and a tape recording of his new album. I expected her to read it out not being aware of copyright law at the age of 12! Anyway she didn't read it out but she did send me a lovely letter and signed photograph of herself! How cool is that!

    Ok, maybe not so cool but I still love her!

  3. Anonymous4:36 pm

    Thankyou, those 3 albums seem to be cropping up again and again. I was checking some reviews on the net today and the 3 you mentioned all come highly recommended. I have suddenly gone FZ mad again, can't get enough, i've been listening to Hot Rats and Roxy and elsewhere in the car for weeks now.....i really should change the CD's. You know the rhyme about the little girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead when she was good etc, well thats how i feel about FZ, when it's good its blinding but when it's not it's awfull...i'm thinking Man from Utopia, 200 Motels, Jazz from Hell etc, so thanks for letting me know what your personal faves are, i would really like to know what B thinks also.
    Thanks for the offer of copies but i prefer to buy them, i dont know why but whenever anyone copies a cd for me i end up losing it whereas if i've bought it i seem to cherish and look after it more.
    Love to you both
    P.S who is Wincy Willis?

  4. Oh, how the poetically gifted have fallen!!!! What next, rugby songs (or actually, this may as well have been one!). I much prefer your "fair maiden" verse, keep it up!.

  5. Dear Mac's Niece. Oh ay oh ay oh ay oh ay! Actually that's football! Thank you for your compliment.

    I love that quotation. Apart from 'Q' in Star Trek - The Next Generation, do you know who actually said 'Oh how the mighty have fallen'?

    One for quotations are us I think. Actually to give them credit, as they are a great site, I think it's Quotation of the!

    Anyway, I have taken your advice and have put pencil to paper this very afternoon! Stay tuned! x

    My very dearest T-Bone, shame on you. Who is Wincy Willis! Well she was a top weather girl on Breakfast TV. Ok, so you can be excused for not knowing! Will get B to forward his FZ choices soon! Big love from us both. x

  6. Anonymous2:02 pm

    Ok thanks, look forward to hearing B's top 3. Just as a matter of interest do you know where the saying ''the writing is on the wall'' comes from?

  7. Anonymous8:00 pm

    Hey T-Bone, good to see ya the other week. My, what a difficult question to pose and such a massive selection to pick just three from !. Mmmmh (lots of chin stroking)I'd have to say:
    1st place - One size fits all.
    2nd place - overnite sensation.
    3rd place - Apostrophe.

    No wait a minute...........

    .....too late.


  8. Anonymous9:06 am

    Hey B thanks for your list much appreciated, seems like its a toss up between Broadway the Hardway and Apostrophe. So it's Saturday morning and i'm off to the CD shop in Marlborough to purchase some Zappa, a good start to the day i'd say.
    Hows the recording coming on? is the first album in the can man!!


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