I found this while visiting Literary Feline.

Grab the book that is nearest to you (no cheating), turn to page 161, post the text of the fifth full sentence on the page, post the rules and tag three people.

I tag: Mac's Niece at Caged Minutes, Bowledover and Coversgirl at Between the Covers.

Page 161, 5th full sentence:

'Adam didn't have to listen to Eve saying that other men could have done it better, and Eve didn't have to listen to Adam saying he'd do it after his night out with the boys.'


  1. Oh. I was just about to tag you for this! I guess it can count anyway, in a circular sort of way. What's the book? Great sentence. Hello, by the way. I like your blog - the flowers are gorgeous.

  2. LOL I like the quote. Thanks for playing!

  3. Anonymous9:25 am

    Likewise dancin' fool I was wondering which book you got that sentence from.

  4. Dear Meli, hello! Thank you for your comments. I think this game is much better when you don't know what the book is at first! Anyway I got the sentence from '1001 Things to Make You Smile' by Marion Kaplinsky. It was a gift from my sister and sits by my PC so I can grab it at random and cheer myself up!

    Literary Feline....it's no good I am going to have to ask (I can be a little slow at times!) what's LOL? And thank you for posting this meme, I really enjoyed it and have started looking at all sentence 5's on page 161 of many books I own, some of the sentences out of context are hilarious!

    Hey Bowledover! See above! I will show you the book next time you are here, it's very good.

  5. I'm sorry about that, Dancin' Fool. LOL means Laughing Out Loud. One of the small few netspeak terms I know. :-)

  6. Literary Feline, thanks for that! It is now the first piece of netspeak I know! :0)


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