I have recently been tagged, an almost entirely new experience for me! In the early days of In The Pink I was tagged by Mac’s Niece with this very same meme however was uncomfortable revealing anything about myself. Mac’s Niece happens to be my sister and she was very understanding of my decision not to participate, I sent my list to her via email and that was that.
Anyway my need for anonymity has steadily subsided as I have progressed in blogging and I have now been tagged by Coversgirl with the same meme. I therefore already have a list of weird and habitual facts about myself!

So! Here are the rules:

1: Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2: People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules.
3: At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names.
4: Don't forget to leave them a comment and tell them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

My 8 Oddities!

1. I frequently dream of vampires, and have done so since childhood. They normally have romantic connotations although I have never ended up a vampire yet! (I have only had one vampire dream with David Boreanaz in it, much to my disgust!)

2. I almost always have a tune playing in my head, a sort of soundtrack to thought. Mostly a pleasant addition to life however occasionally distracting when plagued by a duff song!

3. I would like a beard, and if I could would grow a really long one like the Gibbons boys from ZZ Top! I would stroke it for dramatic effect and twiddle it between my fingers during moments of high concentration.

4. I talk to all living creatures instinctively and honestly believe that some form of communication is occurring.

5. I love all weather, and all weather extremes that I have experienced and I love being out in the rain. It’s just so much fun and I highly recommend it. Even better are bike rides in the rain. Once you are soaking there is really no wetter you can get!

6. If given a choice of left or right I always choose left. I am right handed but left footed.

7. I am attracted to water in all forms, and am a strong swimmer; however have a deep fear of the sea and irrational shark fear. (Coversgirl, I would love to visit Australia, and always have, but I would never make it into the sea, not even for a paddle!) I am slightly ashamed of that!

8. I love singing out loud. If I could wish it I would make the world a musical with bands popping up in all locations to accompany you when the opportunity for a song presented itself!

Ok, so my 8 bloggers are:

Mac’s Niece at Cages Minutes, Bowledover, Arukiyomi, Caelum-Amo at Identity,
Joni at My Piece of Heaven, Greg at A Life in the Day, Ursi at Ursi's Blog, Ian McKellan
(Ok I know he isn't likely to take part, but he has a blog and a website and you never know!)


  1. Thank you so much for your tag, and I shall respond. However, I also felt compelled to respond to yours (especially as I have been privvy to an earlier version for almost 12 months!). So...

    1. Who?

    2. "Words, dum dum dum, don't come easy to me...." (sorry!).

    3. Itchy

    4. I agree.

    5. I have one thing to remind you of, a letter that says "Oh! How I long for frost!." (Very Marianne Dashwood!!!!!).

    6. Yet to see evidence on the park!

    7. If you are attracted to a glass of H20 8 times a day then rejoice!!!

    8. "It's just a jump to the left...." (fits all situations, I feel!)

  2. You are brilliant! Ok:

    1. David Boreanaz played Angel, the original big love interest in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He was a vampire who had his soul restored, and therefore was good and didn't feed on humans anymore. (Pigs blood conveniently provided by the town butchers, and me a vegetarian and all!)Anyway, he fell in love with Buffy and vice versa, sort of a horror Romeo and Juliet!

    2. And so you should be!

    3. Umm, I expect so but a great distraction and I think long beards look great. Have you seen the Gibbons Boys recently? (If not follow the link, they crimp their beards!)

    4. Cool!

    5. No comment!!!!!

    6. I may not be too accurate but the will to propel the ball is there!

    7. I am attracted to 8 mugs of H20 a day infused with tea!

    8. Can you imagine what a wonderful world it would be? Everyone would look so happy! It's a dance for all!

  3. Anonymous1:26 pm

    Thanks for tagging me Dancin' but I don't have a personal blog to post these on. So, not to disappoint you, I"m going to post 8 random facts about me here:
    1. I've been married for 4600 days as of today!
    2. I have a double uvula!
    3. I've lived more than half my life outside my passport culture.
    4. I struggle with being cynical, critical and negative.
    5. My family tree goes back to the High King of all Ireland in 385.
    6. I loathe chicken liver pate.
    7. I lost a tennis match to the British ambassador to Korea today.
    8. I've had my life completely turned around and healed by meeting Jesus.

    ... there you go!

  4. You could always swim in a waterhole - as long as you don't mind crocodiles!

  5. Anonymous3:05 pm

    Dancin' Fool I too speak to all things, even the toad under a leaf,which frightened me when I was weeding the garden.
    I think of it as being in tune and the receivers of this communication are either pleased with the comment or petrified. I think that they like being noticed

  6. Hey Dancin'

    Received the tag and will respond to it on Tuesday. I spent most of the weekend moving and am slowly catching up.


  7. Well hello all!

    Arukiyomi, thank you so much for your fantastic list and I understand, although if you and your wife wanted to submit a joint list you would be welcome, also congratulations on your 4600th day of marriage!

    Coversgirl, acually I don't mind crocodiles but at that proximity may develop a fear of them!

    Bowledover, ah so I have you to blame for that little excentricity !! I wouldn't be any other way! x

    Greg, thanks for the note and no rush, I hope the move went well?

  8. Hi... have done the tag with 7 new oddities about myself (how come I have so many!) as I felt you deserved new ones. Thanks for starting this off again, as it is good fun. You have tagged some great bloggers.

  9. Hey Mac's Niece! Thank you. I will proceed directly to Caged Minutes. x


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