New Things

Today's posting is in lieu of the last and current weeks 'weekly six'. Today I would like to celebrate new things. New life, new friends, new beginnings, new growth, new clothes!

Yesterday heralded the arrival of the new sparrow chicks to the garden, their first journey out of the hedge, there are 5 babies at the moment. Also, arriving noisily yesterday, was the first starling chick, beak wide, still demanding food be delivered by his parents! I have not been able to capture them on my camera yet but we are enjoying many happy moments watching them develop their skills. They have all discovered the bird bath but have yet to understand what to do in it!

Also, I had a wonderful night out last night with a friend from work. We shopped....ok maybe nothing new to you but the need for and love of shopping has never been particularly strong in me, excepting in the company of my sister! Anyway, there were many purchases of new clothes, which was brilliant, a trip to The Body Shop where much fun was had and much money was parted with (sorry Body Shop, it was all worth it!), concluding with a meal in a world restaurant, The Giraffe, which boasts a fabulous vegetarian selection on their menu. (All Hail Giraffe!)

And then...this morning I received a comment via the fabulous Friends Reunited site from a very good old friend which is just wonderful. I am greatly looking forward to catching up with the events of the past 16 years!

Finally, the iris flowers in our front garden have emerged in a new and surprising number compared with the last 2 years. I hope to have captured their beauty in the photograph. (see next post) Here's to 'new' things!


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