Click Every Day

You may have noticed 6 new buttons on my blog in the left hand menu that say click every day. If you are unfamiliar with these they are basically a link to another site where if you then click the big button you donate to various charities for free. The deal is that for every click they receive their sponsors donate to each charity. You are therefore just two clicks away from: providing reading tuition and free books for children, providing free health care for children, helping to preserve endangered habitat, helping to provide a free mammogram for someone, providing 6 bowls of food for rescued animals, or giving free food to someone who really needs it.

If you can spare two clicks please pick any buttons of your choice and help these worthwhile charities for free! Thank you!


  1. What a fabulous idea! I love it, and once I get a bit more blogging time I'll be adding some to my page. Thanks, too, for the bit of publicity for my Tolkien review.

  2. Hey Coversgirl. There is also a search engine you can use,

    You can select a charity of your choice and everytime you use their search engine they donate to the charity. It's not a very extensive search engine but you can just use it to get to google or yahoo etc.

    Always happy to spread good word about Tolkien. You should get the Tolkien companion. It's awesome.

  3. Hi dancin' fool, I clicked every button and thought of all the individuals who would benefit. Thanks for so much information.

  4. Hello Bowledover! Thanks for that. We can set them up on your blog if you want?


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