Weekly Six 1st - 7th October 2007 - Happy Birthday In The Pink!
In the Pink is 1 year old today! It's been an excellent blogging year and I have greatly enjoyed developing this blog. I have found that having this as an outlet has encouraged me to pursue my existing hobbies and develop some new ones to.
Now this was a tough one, so many pictures! I am currently using my favourite photograph as my identity image, I have therefore chosen 'Portal' as it comes a close second, not for being my favourite photograph but one of my favourite images derived from a photo I took.
I would like to dedicate this item to the namesake of this blog, and her partner in crime. I have not posted images of them before however, they have been an integral part of my life. I give you Mojo and Pink.
I have also made contact with people all over the world via their blogs and look forward to seeing their postings and sharing a small part of their lives. This has been a most worth while pursuit for me.
In light of this I have decided to use this weeks 'weekly six' as an opportunity to re-post some of my favourite items from the last 12 months, and comment on some significant factors relating to this blog.
Item 1: Verse
Since In The Pink began I have written many poems, and posted most of them. I enjoy the exploration of language that writing brings. I have re-read the poems that have been posted so far and chosen this to re-post. (If you want to read more of my 'literary ramblings' click on the verse tag here or in 'In the Pink Labels' left hand column.)
These words I place upon the page bear witness to the telling,
of time and space I occupy, and moments that I dwell in.
Of experiences interpreted with mortal imperfection,
of sporadic impulses bereft of all direction.
Of paths that I have ventured down seeking illumination,
of venom that I have endured to recreate sensation.
Of countless souls encountered, of faces memorised,
of deeds born of pure intent, of some intent disguised.
Of dreams that I have realised and dreams yet to be?
The exploration of my fate, the rationale for me.
These words I place upon the page bear witness to the telling,
of time and space I occupy, and moments that I dwell in.
Item 2: Image Gallery
Now this was a tough one, so many pictures! I am currently using my favourite photograph as my identity image, I have therefore chosen 'Portal' as it comes a close second, not for being my favourite photograph but one of my favourite images derived from a photo I took.
This is a picture of a puddle, however I found other aspects of the picture as I played around with it and it now appears to me a portal into another world. I like images that can be perceived in multiple ways.
I have a friend who paints his photographic images to achieve a distorted aspect of the original image and it is most effective and mood creating.
I would like to think that my photographic ability has improved over the past year and look forward to further developing my artistic eye! There are many fabulous photographers displaying their work on the Internet, including some of the bloggers I visit, and I thank them all for their inspiration and unintentional 'composure tuition' by way of example.
Item 3: Inspiration

Item 4: Previously Featured Weekly Six Item
For this item I have gone back to the first weekly six I ever did, and the song of that week, Sailor - Girls Girls Girls.
I originally wanted to include a weekly song item that may relate to a favourite song or just a song that had been at the forefront of my mind at that time. This song relates to memories of me and my sister visiting our grand parents at their home and antique shop in Felixstowe. It was played a lot on the radio at the time and my sister and I would sing to it when it came on.
I searched for this song for a number of years and was delighted to find a copy that I could link to my blog for all to enjoy.
My thanks to Jamglue for providing the entire song free of charge and if you have a moment have a listen, I defy you not to at least shuffle your feet to this one!
Item 5: The Birds & the Garden
The birds who visit my garden have indirectly made a considerable contribution to this blog and provide me with company and entertainment outside the window as I type.
This year has been very fruitful in the chick department. The Starlings and Sparrows both started nesting in March and have been producing clutch after clutch ever since. We still have some juvenile birds of both species, mouths open wide, strutting around the garden demanding service and learning how to eat the food themselves!
Now we are coming to the beginning of our fourth year in this house, managing our land organically and aiming to encourage as much wildlife as we can, we are really starting to reap the rewards.
We have crammed in as many trees as we can and are pleased to note that our new neighbours are doing the same! Trees are good for birds, the more and the bigger the better! It is commonly noted in urban areas that when large trees are removed on mass, or managed at lesser heights, there is a considerable reduction in song bird populations and an increase in predator birds.
I am greatly looking forward to next spring to watch all of our trees and plants develop further. We may even get some bookings for 'hotel lacewing and ladybird', and 'hotel butterfly'. I am sure that their small purpose built houses just needed a bit of weathering in!
Item 6: Inspiration Part II
The inspiration for the address of my blog is the title of a favourite song of mine, The Crash Test Dummies - Two Knights and Maidens. I have looked previously but cannot find a link to a complete version of this on the Internet and so have looked up the guitar chords instead!
They are a little tricky so my final item is going to be a little delayed however I am going to learn to play it and post a video of me covering the song as soon as possible! I am not sure who will end up regretting that more...you have been warned!
Well that concludes the weekly six. I have had a lot of fun looking back over a year of posting, so much has happened and this blog provides such an effective link to many occasions. Here's to year two!! And if you are reading this Blogger, thanks for a top service!
Happy Blogiversary!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! You have made such great posts over recent weeks. They really have been great to read.
ReplyDeleteI finally completed your meme/tag list questions! I had fun doing those as well.
Thank you Mac's Niece, I will hasten to Caged Minutes immediately and check out your answers. Glad you enjoyed it!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to your blog (although a little late)! And what a great way to celebrate than revisiting some of your more significant moments and sharing your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy my visits to your blog, even if I do not always comment. You are one of the blogs I subscribe to and so I never miss a post. :-)
Hello Literary Feline. Thank you so much for your lovely comment! It's always good to hear from you and good to know when I don't you are visiting anyway. I know there isn't always something to say. Be well and happy and Bye for now!