Baby it's Cold Inside.

Our heating has packed up just in time to coincide with a particularly cold spell in Blighty! Actually that is a slight exaggeration. Our heating is on its way out and all downstairs radiators have stopped working, the bedroom and bathroom ones still work so I am going to bed soon!

We live in a rented house. It is a private let and so assistance is a little slower than is desired but we have reported the problem to our land lord and some one is coming round to give us a quote on Thursday night. Hopefully the landlords will approve the cost although due to symptoms I fear the problem may be significant.

We probably should have raised the matter earlier, like in the summer! We moved in during May and noticed a bottle of heating system sealant in the airing cupboard! We have a nasty suspicion that the radiators need flushing out due to sludge that has built up over a period of years. This house has been rented out for some time and I don't think much money has been spent on its upkeep.

Anyway we do have an abundance of fleece blankets and two large dogs that are available for hugging as required! I have to go now as my fella is telling me to return to the sofa with the blanket and any available body heat I can muster! You have to laugh don't you!!

Image Credit: Jen Blaylock


  1. You could have told him that, should you have sat on his lap at the computer, you both would have been warm.
    Sorry to hear about the big chill. Hope the heating gets fixed soon.

  2. Anonymous9:01 pm

    I seem to remember a song that goes something like this - ' I love my chilli bom bom, my chilli bom bom loves me...'. Not sure on the spelling, but it sounds appropriate. Love and best wishes.

  3. Chilly Willies ... I will send radiant warmth and toasty thought bubbles your way, DF. Once I lost power in the winter and had only a waterbed. Oooohhh, that was not good! Couldn't pile enough blankets under me to not feel chilled to the bone. Wasn't there an old song about, "Steam Heat! I got steam heat!" (?) Thinking about you, Bud, and so sorry you are dealing with this. ;o(
    SisSTAR Kyle

  4. Hey Bowledover! I will suggest that to him next time!

    Hey Lord L! I can't get that song out of my head every time I get home! The dogs seem to be oblivious!

    Key Kyle! Thank you for your kind and warm thoughts! I cannot imagine anything worse in a cold spell than a water bed!

    On the upside a note for you all, the diagnoses is bad(sludge that requires flushing out and one new radiator.) but two of the downstairs radiators have suddenly started working again; for for the short term we are back to being semi toasty!!!

  5. Well I hope by now you got your heating completely fixed. Murphy's Law or is it Sod's Law that it breaks down in the cold weather?


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