Spring Has Begun

Well its Monday morning again but this time things are a little different, Spring had begun! Just a few days of sunshine last week followed by a day of rain was all it took and the trees have begun to open their buds.

Before we know it leaves will be popping out everywhere, except on the Ash trees for a while anyway. Ash are always one of the last trees to flush.

I found this shot in my photo archives. I took it a few years back at our old house where we were lucky enough to have this almost clear view through to the horizon from our back garden.

It makes me excited to see this shot, the sun warming the sky and the promise of a new day with unknown possibilities. I look forward to seeing what today brings.


  1. Hey Lady Banana! Well the clocks going forward will help, this evening will be lovely although its cold here. I might light a fire in the garden and sit out anyway!!


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