Which Super Hero Are You?

I have just played a quiz so see which superhero I am most like. Apparently I am Iron Man! This is what it said.

You are Iron Man

You have a giant brain that can see you through almost any situation. Some say you're a genius. You've developed a suit of armour to face life's challenges, but what happens when the armour isn't there? Try not to always hide behind that armour - let people see the real you.

I do so love the wonderful things these quizes say about you! Ok so I am apparently also a man but hey there are not as many female super heros as there are male and I don't think they included Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Tank Girl in the possible outcome.

Of course if it had told me I was Buffy I would be annoyed. As much as I love her she is far too much of a girly for me and I could cry over the amount of money she spends on clothes!

Don't get me wrong I can shop with the best of them....well maybe, but I can think of much better things to spend my money on.

I did want to be Tank Girl for a while in my youth!

Follow the link below to play, there are only 10 questions so it does not take long.

Which Super Hero are You?


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