
I just found this fabulous blog care of Lone Chatelaine, called Scotland. It is a collection of images from the country. I had to share it as Scotland is where I would always be if given the choice. There is no part of the country that is not beautiful. I mean even those 'burgers to be' look good this morning and I am a vegetarian! Anyway have a look, the pictures are truly awesome.


  1. Aren't those some fantastic pics on that blog? I want to see Scotland so bad. My family's heritage is Scottish, so I've grown up with the whole Scottish and tartan thing all my life. I can't believe I haven't traveled there yet.

  2. Hello! They really are amazing photographs, I predict many a visit back to their blog! Thanks for that! I know there are amazing mountains and awe inspiring locations throughout the US but you should try and get to Scotland sometime if you can. It's bloomin' miles but you know atleast one person in the UK! :0)

  3. Hey Lady Banana! I lived up north for some years and having Scotlad on your doorstep is brilliant but I would also really recommend: Teesdale, Northumerland and ofcourse the Lakes.

  4. I have always wanted to go to Scotland.

    Thanks for dropping by my place today. It's always nice to meet new peeps!

  5. Hey Travis! I love Saturdays. It's my blogging day. Glad to have found you and be visiting again soon.

    P.S. I swear I am not on commission from the Scottish tourist board but go, you'll love it! One of the UK's few last wildernesses.


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