Only 20 Days Until The Winter Solstice and Then it's Plain Sailing to Spring!


  1. Anonymous5:05 pm

    I can't wait. Nice photo, something to look forward to.

  2. Hey Tony, it will be here before you know it! Thanks for the visit.

  3. It fills me with joy to think of what is in store after Christmas.
    Thanks for the cheer.

  4. Hey, DF! Just read your comment of 11/27 under my "Birthday Fairy" post. By the way, that was an actual birthday cake photo I got in an email. The post was to my sister-in-law who is upset with me and my "passive-aggressive" way of saying Happy B'day when she'll never read it, anyway. Dumb, eh? But it felt good to me! ;oD
    And I love this photo you posted. You must've done it! Thursday night last we had big huge snowflakes dumping on us, but so far nothing is sticking (good!) I hope you get lots of those little white devils! ;oD
    Kyle xo

  5. Hey Bowledover!

    If you can you should take yourself out for a trip to Stapleford Woods. There is so much colour about in the trees, expecially in woodland as they get the shelter, and it is very refreshing!

  6. Hey Kyle! I started writing you this comment last night and my PC crashed. I eventually gave up but today it seems to feel better!

    I understand about the cake post, it's not dumb at all bud.

    I am glad you liked the picture, I took it while visiting my parents this year. They live in a beautiful area and the fields are so many colours although this crop is a favourite nationwide.

    I am very envious of your snow! Have you had anymore? I know you don't want any so just tell it to behave and come here ok!

    Bye for now bud, keep smiling! xx


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