An Early Afternoon with Charlie Daniels


  1. Anonymous7:50 pm

    I drove a fellow to Billings MT in September that said he was with a spin off band of Lynard Skynard that called himself Wolfman and said he was cousin of Wolfman Jack a radio announcer for WLS in Chicago back in the day. He said his group was doing a show along with Charlie Daniels. He promised to pay me for getting him out there and then ran off with my $100 CB and no money for the ride. I had to go to my Young Living convention in Minneapolis with over 4000 people with almost not a dime to spend. Have had a year of getting robbed in Madison several times. Do not even open my purse in front of people in Madison any more or let them know where items of value are. Theft is a way of life in Madison.

  2. Anonymous7:53 pm

    Mary Kleeman is Ann Ominus in the previous comment. I use for my site and have had no time to get it together.

  3. Hi Mary! Thanks for your comments. Madison sounds aweful! I cannot imagine that.

    Will be visiting you shortly!

  4. Ok I cannot use your name to find you there I think so come back soon and leave your web address!


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