All Pigs Fed & Ready To Fly

I love that saying. A few years ago there was an advert with flying pigs in it and it was brilliant. In it is! You gotta love You Tube!

Pleas take a moment to watch the Pigs Flying Video, it is brilliant! I also really like this one, not so clever but it really makes me smile.

Anyway, I did not come here to post adverts! I came to report that all PC issues now seem to be fixed! I have my work laptop and can connect to my wireless connection upstairs which is great as I can set up some office space and have a quite place to go and work.

I have also got Skype set up on this and the home PC so I can make video calls to Mr Dancin when I am away for work for free! The laptop has a built in web cam which is very handy and we bought a web cam for the PC for £25.

And, when Mr Dancin is taking an afternoon nap, as he is now, I can come upstairs, grab my laptop and blog away!!!

I have a friend visiting from Greece at the moment and she is on Skype too so when she goes back to Greece next week we can keep in much better contact.

If you have not already I recommend checking Skype out. All calls and video calls to other Skype users are free anywhere in the world and calls to normal lines are very cheap. And having had a few video calls now I am hooked, seeing the other person makes it like being in the room with them. You can also share screens so you can play them a video showing on your screen or show them how you do some thing in an application. Marvellous!

Well I am off to watch the flying pigs video again and then to get ready for tonight. I am going to a friends 50th birthday party. Happy weekend all what ever you do!


  1. Hey bet you had a great time.
    be well.

  2. Anonymous11:36 pm

    Hey I have Skype too!! haha lets get to it!

  3. Hey Bowledover. I did thank you!!

  4. Hey T-bone! I will search for you now!


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