Word Verification

I have noticed that some peoples blogs have very interesting words and more importantly easily copyable words for their random word verification. I was just visiting at T-Bones and it asked me to type the word TOPIC after my comment, nice and simple.

There are some sites where the word verification is almost un-readble, in fact I got one the other day and it was so complicated, case sensative and hard to read due to the font, that I got it wrong 4 times!

It reminds me of a funny story; many years ago an English friend of mine (How discrete am I?! You know who you are!) came to visit me in Cardiff. When he went to the cash machine it asked him if he wanted to complete his transaction in English or Welsh. He decided to live dangerously and chose Welsh thinking that as the steps were fairly simple and did not deviate much from bank to bank he would be able to cope. The result was he got it wrong and lost his card. Rather annoying as we were on our way to the pub at the time and he had to wait for his card to be returned to him in the post!

Anyway my point is Word verification is supposed to rout out the machines and not present a visual puzzle for humans!

Image Credit: Saragu


  1. Anonymous11:30 pm

    haha good story....who would be daft enough to do that then????


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