Lift My Spirits

I have spent much of this morning signing online petitions and posting banners to show my support for the many endangered species on our planet and it has all made me a little blue. I won't ever stop making the effort but I can't help but fear that we are stuck in a trend that will not change and we may actually see the extinction of tigers, whales and many other amazing creatures within our lifetimes.

I have always wanted to change the world and felt that there is something I am meant to do, some bigger contribution I am meant to make. I have dedided that I am going to take more of a more active role in supporting the organisations that I care for the most, Greenpeace, all animal welfare charities, charities caring for children and supporting the elderley and environmental organisations.

Up until now my support has been limited to financial contributions, signing petitions and letters and spreading the word via email or my blogs but I want to do more.

The decision to dedicate a little more of my time has helped to lift my spirits a little. I will keep you posted on my progress.


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