I Get a Rush

Since we got our new TV last weekend we have been watching lots of DVD's on it as the quality is amazing. This afternoon we have been watching one of our Rush DVD's, one of my favourite bands and one I am happy to say I have seen live twice!

Amazing stuff, and there are only three on them!!

Mum, if you are reading this you may remember taking me to a jumble sale many moons ago when I was very small and I bought a t-shirt with this image on it, only it said Rush above it. I had that t-shirt for many years and wore it for longer than I should have! (It was quite small!)

Anyway here are some of my favourite Rush songs. Enjoy!

Image Credit: Simon McGlary


  1. Hi there Dancin' ;oD I'll have to let Jeff see your Rush music here as he loves them! Glad you are having a nice weekend and glad the dogs don't care about bothering frogs! I wish the cats weren't but they are so curious about things that plop! thru the water ;o( I keep working with them ... this a.m. we had a pair of mallards in there but Tuffy was lounging out in the little orchard in the chaise lawn chairs. I've been letting him sleep with me again the last 3 nights and he thinks he's king of the place. Creamy, his buddy, showed up earlier and I fed him and Tuffy tolerated it. The fine balance between rivalry and trying to keep his alpha cat status. Hope you're enjoying your new pond, new TV, new job, and a long wkend! Our flowers are so lovely, though not as many. First pink water lily in pond yesterday and yellow Chinese irises and one large white peony by pond. Well... gotta go tend to my oatmeal on the stove. Ate at a new Thai restaurant 1/8 of a mi from home. Good thing as we each had Long Island Iced Teas and I'd forgotten how potent those were! Yikes! I rarely drink and I won't be having those any more! @;@

  2. Hi Dancin' tee shirts I well recall.
    Be alert, Britain needs lerts.
    I was thinking of some of the outfits you liked to wear, only yesterday.
    Time flies.All good memories too.
    Have a good break.

  3. Hey Kyle! Where has this week gone!? Here we are at another not so long however very welcome weekend already!

    The Thai restaurant in walking distance sounds nice and I have never had long island teas but heard they are very good! There is a great cocktail place near us so I will have to give one a go. I have a liking for margaritas and tequila sunrise.

    Well for now my friend I wish you warm weather, plenty of sun and a relaxing weekend. Bye for now! xxx

  4. Hey Bowledover! I have not thought about that T-Shirt (Britain needs lerts) for ages! Thanks for the reminder.

    As for some of my other favourite outfits some of them are best forgotten, although I was at least unique! Actually if I remember rightly it was not what I wore but my colour combination!

    I miss my white jumper with the slits on the sleeves. That was a favourite! xx


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