Robert Bissell

A few years ago we bought a jigsaw for my husbands parents for Christmas depicting bears standing on their hind legs in a meadow as swarms of butterflies ascended around them. It is the most beautiful jigsaw I have even seen and the image has stayed with me. Recently I have started looking for another copy to do myself as the image is so calming and it finally occurred to me to search for it online. 

That lead me straight to the artist himself, Robert Bissell, and if you are not already familiar with his work I highly recommend you visit his website and have a look for yourself.

I would dearly love to post a picture of his here but feel it unfair even with image credit without permission. So please believe me when I say it is worth a look. If nothing else go on Google Images and type in Robert Bissell Bears and Butterflies, or click HERE.

I am also delighted to say that his website features a shop selling jigsaws, prints and note-lets amongst other things and anticipate several of his items appearing on my Wishlist very soon.


  1. Thanks for sharing the joy of Bissell's photos, made me happy today!

    1. You are welcome :0) thanks for looking, I love his stuff.

  2. What lovely work! So sweet.

    1. Yes they certainly have the effect he desires :0)

  3. Thank you so much for providing the link ... a great selection to see.

    All the best Jan

    1. You are welcome, I cant wait to get a copy of the bear jigsaw!


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